
Showing posts from 2021

BE ENERGETIC@ By pouring healthy Havan to Agni( Pitta)

Life is Energy derived from food the Havan to Pitta the Fire The energy.When it is of good quality the living being is alive healthy & grows.But when it becomes of bad quality due to bad Havan Samgree the living being suffocated to death . So Which Agni ki Puja karein Hum??? Answer is good Quality Agni (Pitta) should never be allowed to extinguish so that living being remains energetically alive. अबोध्यग्नि: समिधाजनानांप्रति धेनुम्इव आयतीम् उषासम्।यह्वा इव प्र वयाम्उज्जिहाना: प्र मानव: सस्रते नाकमच्छ।।


१.हम किसी चीज को उपयोग करके उसे दूसरे के उपयोग के लिए छोड़तें है वह चीज जूठी कहलाती है।क्योंकि उसमें हम अपना बैक्टेरिया,भाईरस समाहित कर देतें हैं।इसलिये हमें आचमनस्नानशुद्धिपरांत तैयार सामग्री ही भगवान को भोग लगाना चाहिए।क्योंकिभगवान भोगोत्पन्न  प्रसाद जब और ग्रहण करें तो उसमें समाहित होकर हमारा बैक्टेरिया भाईरस और न ग्रहण करें।तत: वे स्वस्थ बने रहें।SocialDisease Prevention की ये कर्म सनातनी स्वस्थपरंपराओं का भाग ही है।@ कोई शक??? इसिलिए नहा-धोकर ही स्त्री या किसीको भी पाठशाला में प्रवेश करनाचाहिए। २.भगवान को चढ़ाने वाली भोग की सुगंध नाशिका में चले जाने से भोग लगाने वाली वस्तु जूठी नहीं होती है। वस्तुत: भगवान तोकण कण में विद्यमान हैं आकाश रुप में।इसिलिए तो कहतें हैं " तेरा तुझको अर्पण ,क्या लागे मेरा""प्रभु आपकी कृपा से मेरा हर काम हो रहा है"। ३  इस तरह हमारा शरिर व कर्म भी भगवत्कृपा ही है। हमारा सोच व जीवन भी भगवत्कृपा है।

BE ENERGETIC@ by developing capacity for becoming similar to photon particle or space to see the God


Be Energetic@ शुभ धनतेरस


BE ENERGETIC@ Produce Healthy Offsprings


BE ENERGETIC@ By creating space

Although space in absolute term cannot be created .But when I say move creates space that means when I move awaythe unwanted things hampering my movement then I am creating space for me for more air availability to me.And also If I move myself outfrom a congested place then also I am creating space for me to be energetic.

BE ENERGETIC @ by purifying food,water,air,heat

Impurity in air,water,food& fire to cook food ,warm water or air are causative factors leading to illness.Avoid impurity.

BE ENERGETIC@Increase good Vatta

Vatta can be improved to be better by consuming Kashaila after food.

BEENERGETIC@ Chant ॐ सूर्यदेवाय नम:


BEENERGETIC@ to get it back


BE ENEGETIC@ पित्त दोष बढ़ने के कारण का निवारण करे

पित्त दोष बढ़ने के कारण:-  सिर की गरमी चिंता टेंशनविचार से,धूप में खड़े होने से,अपच से,ज्यादा व गंदे यौनाचार से पित्त दोष बढ़ता है। पित्त दोष निवारण:- खुलेसिर धूप में खड़े न होवें,,गंदे व ज्यादा यौनाचार से बचें,भोजन सुचारु रुप से पचने पर भोजन करें,गुस्सा व गंदे विचारों से बचें।पानी गर्म करके व छान कर पीएं।  

BE ENERGETIC@ सत्व शुद्धि सर्व शुद्धि

When we cook bread by different types of heat i.e. Sun,coal,electric oven,microwave,wood of different kinds like mango,Neem,babul,bamboo etc.the quality of taste of food varies.That means though heat measured in calories may be same but of different nature .Similarly quality of Pitta produced in body 24/7 varies according to food ( taste,smell,touch,vision,heard song) going inside the body. If food is not soothing & calm ,the Pitta( thought/ emotions)produced would not be calm ,Thus the Vatta( motion) produced  will vary according to food intake. That is why it is said " सत्व शुद्धि सर्व शुद्धि "


Lethargy is due to plumpiness of Tissues.And that is due to two reasons 1.Bacterial growth due to reduced alcalinecity of blood quality( Allopaths) 2.Increased Kapha in the body( Aayurveda) Remedial Measures Increase alcalinecity of blood.The betal leaf,edible lime & Kattha are best source to increase alcalinecity & reduce Kapha. Recommendation  Always eat ( रस)rash by chewing Paan ingradiented with simple  Katha& lime

BE ENERGETIC@ A Simple Rx to impromptue Sudden disturbance like pain etc

I had Right side pain developed suddenly.I closed the right nostril by air tight plugging with cotton & breathed through only left nostril till pain subsided by half an hour.Then I removed the cotton plug. Similarly when there is sudden acute left side pain,one can plug left nostril.This is self experienced as a first aid in emergency when there is no help/medicine/doctor available in near vicinity & a Person is all alone. But I got it so effective I got used to it & have never resorted to any pain killer ,nor approached a doctor nor asked for help for years.

BE ENERGETIC@ knowing diferreces

Those who know wave theory " two waves of equal magnitude& frequency but opposite in phase difference will make medium particles appear stationary" Body is medium.There are staltic waves one going up & another going down in the pipe from mouth to the anus. If the waves are not balanced then either loose motion or vomiting takes place .The point of balance is Navel.In common parlour this is called "Dharani Khisakna" or Navel displacement & is caused due to improper food or posture disturbance by hurt or pressure or both together To balance the Dharani one need to balance by knowing the causative &removing the ibid causes.Only the sufferer knows the cause better than anybody else not suffering similarly.

BE ENERGETIC@ Know the aspects ShadRash Chikitsa v/s Allopathy

1.Why glucose water is given to a patient??? कमजोरी में रोगी को मीठा शुद्ध शहद और गुड़घोल खिलाते(Shad Rash Chikitsa ) 2.Why saline water is given to patient??? जब नमक खाने की इच्छा हो तो नमकीन भोजनखाते(Shad Rash Chikitsa ) 3.Why Vitamin C is prescribed to be taken every day????? जब जीमिचले तब खट्टा व कटु भोजन करतें हैं( षडरस चिकित्सा) 4.Why green salad / veg is in the menus of a patient??? खायें कसैला फूर्ती व चुस्ती बनी रहे ।(Shad Rash Chikitsa ) 5.Why desert dwellers like eating more chilly in summer????Allopaths Silent.  द्रव्याशुद्धि मिर्ची से दूर होती है ।(Shad Rash Chikitsa ) 6.Why Papaya tablet,Neem tablet,Alovera Tablets have coming up in Allopathy??? कड़वा रस ही है रोग निवारक( Shad Rash Chikitsa ) इस तरह षडरस चिकित्सा है।

BE ENERGETIC@ Know your body better to be at your best

If one knows the pros & cons ( good & bad aspect) of his body parts( space inside ,air,water,heat,weight) ,organs(stomach,intestine,kidney,liver,lung,heart,eyes,ear,nose,throat,leg,hand,head,mouth,teeth,tongue ,excecratory & sexual organs) working & related foods & exercises to keep them healthy including interorgan relations ,one can manage them applying the true knowledge. One also must gain knowledge on channels of energy flow in the body & how to remove blockages in the path of the flow of the ibid energy Thus he can remain energetic in life.


अमृत हमें मृत्यु से बचाता है।अन्न ( भोजन) हमें मृत्यु से बचाता है।तत:अन्नामृतऽस्ति।अन्न जब भूख लगे तब ही ग्रहण करें।भोजन से आधा घंटा पहले घूंट घूंट कर गुनगुना जल पीएं।उसके आधे घंटे पश्चात्  पैर धोकर भोजन करें।भोजन खूब चबाकर खायें।भोजन के दौरान पानी पी सकतें हैं।भोजनान्ते विषं वारि। भोजन के आधे घंटे पश्चात् ही जल ग्रहण करें।दक्षिण की तरफ मुंह करके भोजन न करें।तला,फ्राई,तीखा,ज्यादाखट्टा,बासी,ठंढ़ा,भोजन कभीनकरें।सदा स्वस्थ रहें। इति शुभेक्षा।

BE ENERGETIC@ Use Food as Medicine & Taste as selector of the food as Medicine


BE ENERGETIC@ know something away from a beaten path

1. यदि कोई ज्यादा तकियें लेकर सोता हैं तो इसका मतलब वह खुद को अकेला महसूस करता हैं. 2. अगर कोई नाख़ून चबाता हैं तो इसका मतलब वह बहुत परेशान हैं. 3. 90% लोगो का दिमाग ये सोचता हैं कि काश कुछ पल के लिए समय पीछे चला जाएं. 4. जो लोग ज्यादा हँसते हैं वो ज्यादा दर्द सहन कर सकते हैं. 5. लोग आपके बारे में अच्छा सुनने पर शक करते हैं लेकिन बुरा सुनने पर तुरंत यकीन कर लेते हैं. 6. हम जो सोचते हैं उसका 90% हिस्सा सीधा हमारे मूड पर असर करता हैं एक गलत विचार पूरे मूड को खराब कर सकता हैं. 7. किसी के साथ ज्यादा समय बिताने से आप उसकी आदतें अपनानें लगते हैं इसलिए सोच-समझकर दोस्त बनाएं. 8. इंसान के लिए सबसे मुश्किल कामों में से एक हैं.. खुद को ये समझाना कि अब मुझे किसी की परवाह नही हैं. 9. अगर एक व्यक्ति बहुत सोता हैं तो इसका मतलब हैं कि वह अंदर ही अंदर घुट रहा हैं और किसी बात से दुःखी हैं. 10. यदि आप किसी के बारे में जागते हुए भी सपने देखते हैं तो इसका मतलब हैं आप उसे मिस कर रहे हैं. 11. हम दिन की बज़ाय रात को आसानी से रो सकते हैं. 12. खुशी का पहला आंसू दाहिनी आँख से और दुख का पहला आंसू बाईं आँख से निकल...

BE ENERGETIC @ by knowing myself#the app of life

My life is :- My desire to know to see my spirit My spirit to have & win all emotions My Energy to do work under all emotions My mind to grasp knowledge faster My immunity to fight diseases My peaceful sleep My money to purchase  My ability to digest food My ability to run with speed I desire My doubtless life is my life

BE ENERGETIC@ by bettering Pitta quality

Bad Pitta is cause of growing calcification, arteriosclerosis,and cancer. Without bettering Pitta ibid can neither be controlled nor eradicated ,Anger generates /aggravates bad Pitta. To clean effect of bad Pitta to compound further sip regularly hot water like sipping tea everyday.

BE ENERGETIC@ Know thyself

Quality of life

BE ENERGETIC@ by known cause removal

At the childhood one is so quick energetic that one does not get tired easily.But wiith the growth in age the quickness reduces & first tiredness sets& is felt in leg then next stage of growing age one's stride becomes shorter & this process continues .Then comes a stage when getting up from bed or chair becomes difficult.Then comes a stage when getting up in the bed  from sleeping position becomes difficult.Next stage one cannot change from left to right or vice versa in the bed while sleeping.Finally one day his lung cannot take inside oxyzen (air)&one retires from this world to heavenly abode upon one's Natural death. Hence we see that the symptoms ( so called disease in general terms) travels from bottom to top. Any goodnatural medicine but allopahic will eradicate symptoms from top to bottom thus making life energetic again. All the ibid symptoms were caused due to contaminated food .Hence one can safely achieve energetic life force &become free from so...

BE ENERGETIC@ By ShadRush balancing daily in diet

ShadRash are explained below षडरस:- १.कडवा :ज्वर नाशक २.कसैला :कफ नाशक ३.नमकीन :रसकफ धारक अवशोषक ४.तीता :रसकफनिस्सारक शोधक ५.मीठा :उर्जाप्रदायक ६.खट्टा :उत्तक विकाशक,उत्तक रिपेयर,चयापचयक्रिया उत्प्रेरक

BE ENERGETIC@ worryless

Whether you are a believer or a Non believer whatsoever.If there exists a solution to a problem ,you will get the solution .Therefore not to worry about .If ( you know )there is no solution to a problem ,Mathematically ( scientifically ) as it's a problem with no solution cannot cut water or air with a knife  into visibly two pieces howsoever hard you may try, knowing this then makes you not worry. Hence in both the circumstances your limited capability restricts you to be worry less. & Be happy. Let somebody else do research to find the solution to cut water or air into visibly two parts or increase your capacity without being worry.

BE ENERGETIC@ Use Body Cleansers

 B ody Cleansers 0. Good thoughts& deeds to help human&nature growth 1. Pranayam in fresh air 2. Drinking hot water 3 .Drinking hot water mixed with lemon 4.  Sunbath/Mudbath/Cow MilkBath/Fountain or natural running water bath 5. Fasting with ibid  0to4

BE ENERGETIC@ By Pitta & Kapha Purification

Purification of Kapha can be achieved through raw boiled organik food.Purification of Kapha by Vyayam,Aasnas,Pranayam,Good thought,drinking hot water ,eating Kashaila ( Basic) items  Purification of Pitta is achieved by better sipping water rather than drinking Coldwater in large quantity at a time. Purified Pitta & Kapha will produce Pure Vatta inside Body .Pure Vatta provides body flexibility& movement.

BE ENERGETIC@By balancingThree body regions

Our body has three regions .Vatta is below Lumbar,Pitta between Lumbar & Sacral, Kapha is above Sacral.Pitta is essentially governer because it produces good or bad Vatta from good or bad Kapha. Bad Kapha proceeds to Vatta/Pitta  reagion making them bulkier & proceeds to Kapha region producing cough in sinuses & Lung region. Bad Vatta proceeds to all outward direction & can be visualised by body odour. Simplest & best solution to balance all three is to drink plenty of hot water.

BE ENERGETIC@ by making menstrual cycle at every 28 days

Ladies will be energetic only when their menstrual cycle period is almost 28 days in addition to Kapha:Pitta:Vatta::1:2:4 This 28 days period is increased/delayed basically due to tension,use of modern medicinal anti conception pills or/ & advancing old age in which ladies are desirous for looking  young. The 28 days period is advanced /is early due to excess involvement in  sexual activity. Once the cause is known all ladies must try to remove or be away from causative factors.

BE ENERGETIC @Aadhyatm way

Science tries to teach to beautify nails,outerskin,teeth which are basically almost deadcells of the body. For that science researches on medicines to eradicate diseases as perceived by science to gain health& happiness Adhyatm looks at them  as dead cells(Nashwar) ab initio & tries to teach to beautify senses & from those senses attain the supreme .From there adhyatm teaches how to energise the third eye to attain the supreme health& happinesses Thus both Science& Adhyatm tries to achieve health& happiness but their own way. The numbers of those science practicing  are still looking towards aadhyatm  to gain health& happiness . Why so?????The day Science finds answer to this Question ,It will fully surrender to Aadhyatm.

BEENERGETIC @ make use of ghee,milk,yoghurt

Make use of Curd ,ghee before noon & milk in the night as choice food.Make use of jaggery with curd or ghee & Turmeric with jaggery in milk . This will gradually boost immunity to fight against any fungus,bacteria & virus, provided the above is a cow produce .That cow must be fed fresh natural greens from forest or jungles

BE ENERGETIC @ by increasing knowledge

Knowledge keeps us aloft/ motivated . gives ample random knowledge on physiology.

BE ENERGETIC@ by proper assimilation of food

Whatsoever & howsoever good food one eats ,he cannot be energetic in absence of proper assimilation food nutrients.Proper assimilation can only be achieved by making small intestine stronger.Small intestine can be made stronger only by balancing navel.Balancing Navel can be achieved by proper pull ups,Supt Bajrasan,Bajrasan,Sarvangaasan,Halaasan,Mayuraasan,Shirsaasan open & fresh air.

BE ENERGETIC@ by controlling Kapha& Pitta

Kapha increase increases weight thus lumbar problems.Pitta-increase lessens tissue elasticity & thus increases spondylosis. Both Lumbago(stiff girdle & leg) & spondylosis (stiff neck)restrict the movement of legs & hands respectively . Hence to be energetic always control Kapha&Pitta through food intake . Controlling food intake is via taste of food (sweet/sour/acidic/alkaline/bitter/ stringent)& not according to the food types based on protein/carbohydrate/ minerals/ fats / vitamins .Later food types are to be chosen when consulting Allopaths only. Pitta is also controlled by vyayam,aasnas ,pranayam & good thought( positive thoughts) towards humanity

BE ENERGETIC @ drink hot water 2


BE ENERGETIC @ by eliminating deficiency

When we are deficient in any of the  following,We have dysfunction.The dysfunction is disease Therefore to have an optimal energy we must constantly be removing the following deficiencies of:-       1. Life Purpose       2Emotional/Spiritual/Physical rest       3Sunlight       4Fresh air       5.Nutrients/vitamins/minerals/engyms

BE ENERGETIC@ by removing/ suppressing the Cause

कष्ट ही रोग है।चाहें शरिर के किसी अंग में हो।अभयप्रद तरीके से कष्ट के कारण‌ का निवारण ही रोग का सही निवारण है।अभयप्रद यानी बिना साइड एफेक्ट का।

ONE Caution


BE ENERGTIC@ by copyrighting your Works USE the link

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BE ENERGETIC@ by disallowing Kapha & Pitta to increase

Kapha is equivalent to cholesterol.There are Good & Bad cholesterol.Its difficult to laboratorili decide the good & bad Kapha.But good Kapha is energy provider& felt by being energetic .That is all good Kapha producing foods donot make one self lethargic.But bad Kapha producing foods after being digested make oneself lethargic,fatty,bloated abdomen& with cough in chest,throat &nostrils Pitta is equivalent to fire .There is good & bad fire.The good fire is for digestion & the bad fire produces fever,vommiting drying of cells reducing their elasticity& thus produces sclerosis of nurves,calcification (hardening)of tissues& muscles first thereby destruction of body. Only Principle of Remedy is to reduce bad Pitta by good Kapha.That is by controlling food habbits to generate only good cholesterol .@ Let their be no doubts left

BE ENERGETIC by following Aayurvedic life style

Aayurved is not only a medicinal system but a lifestyle which energizes body accupresure meridians related organs to function smoothly.Also Yog is a part of Aayurved & Siddha 

BE ENERGETIC @ by using fragrance of deeds

Though the scents artificial or naturals boost ones mood till its duration of  existence .But good deeds are present always as mood elavater.The mood is replica of inner self( Aatmaa).When Aatmaa is energetic then health also .

BE ENERGETIC@ by preserving semen


BE ENERGETIC@ just by chanting OM

Chanting OMॐwith closed lips vigorates body "धर्मोरक्षतिरक्षित:"ॐ रक्षाकवच रोगनिवारक हैं

BE ENERGETIC@ by having selfless Noble thoughts


BE ENERGETIC @ by helping the needy

"Helping the needy" creates an internal satisfaction albeit at that particular  moment of helping  .But if this becomes a habit a parrennial satisfaction will start staying inside.This satisfaction is a short of happiness which triggers the healthy secretion from inside body endocrine glands.This healthy secretion  keeps the helper of needy always energetic. "सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:" "हम परोपकारी बने" "अहंकारहीन होवें" "यही संस्कार हो हमारा" *आतंक विनाशक हो नारा...*

BE ENERGETIC @ By radiating good thoughts

Head is a parabolic antenna.It radiates also& captures also the energy of thought in form of frequency. Suppose two unknown fellows are seen walking infront of me.Impromptue without meeting both,one of them appears as to be friendly& close in my perception while other doesn't seem so.Why??? The answer as per me is that the beautiful friendly looking person & my head both are radiating the similar thought vibrations & possibly on a humanitarian note. I would like to approach  Or converse with friendly looking person & not otherwise.One may like to call this as my inhibition.But the fact is this behaviour  is found with many of us. Because this behaviour is product of ones liking for not getting into trouble by meeting  with unfriendly one. To generate a friendly look ,thus,everyone must be thinking humanly otherwise it is not possible. In this present world scenario where there is cut-throat competition noone is thinking humanly & if there are NGOs ...

BE ENERGETIC @ by good quality Kapha & Pitta

Kapha is fuel & Pitta is fire.Let us understand this. 1.If one cooks rice in gas,coal,wood,solar cooker,steam,electric oven or microwave then one gets different taste of cooked rice.The same way our Pitta the fire is different.Now coming to Kapha If one cooks rice then there is smell of rice .This  smell  is palatable .But if one would have cooked rubber ,the smell would neither have been palatable nor heathgenic. Hence the food & water intake should be organic & of good smell. 2.what we eat always may not all be palatable individually by their smell but due to addtion of spices they become tongue-tasty.As taste of two individuals vary so the liked-taste of all our organs are different.Taste buds of tongue /eyes/nose/skin/ears desire only those tastes whose deficiency is felt by internal organs conveyed to mind.If one is tense his tension is relieved by soothing words to ears or soothing actions to eyes or soothing smell to ears or even soothing taste to tonqu...

BE ENERGETIC @ by doing Bajraasan


BE ENERGETIC@ by doing Taadaasan


BE ENRGETIC@by removing envy

ENVY = जलन

BE ENERGETIC @ by always drinking hot water


BE ENERGETIC@ by meditation

Meditation Meditation , which is the practice of focused concentration, bringing yourself back to the moment over and over again, actually addresses stress, whether positive or negative."  Meditation  can also reduce the areas of anxiety, chronic pain, depression, heart disease and high blood pressure. "The heart rate drops, your respiratory rate drops.   Definition   Meditation  is a practice of concentrated focus upon a sound, object, visualization, the breath, movement, or attention itself in order to increase awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance personal and spiritual growth. Purpose   Meditation  benefits people with or without acute medical illness or stress. Meditation can be used with other forms of medical treatment and is an important complementary therapy for both the treatment and prevention of many stress-related conditions. Regular meditation can reduce the number of symptoms experienced by patie...

BE ENERGETIC @ burn your extra fat

Burning Extra fat can be achieved through:- 1. Fasting at regular intervals 2. By increasing physical excercise  3  By drinking hot water instead of cold 4.By consuming more pungent , bitter&astrigent foods

BE ENERGETIC by Reducing excess of Kapha& Pitta

Kapha:Pitta:Vatta::1:2:4   It is not possible to measure them separately as all three live together seamlessly.Vatta keeps us energetic. When Kapha& Pitta increases we get cough cold& increase in temperature.when both remain raised constantly we get cancer. Therefore always Keep reducing the increases Kapha & Vatta by suitable Foods to keep Energetic 

BE ENERGETIC @ by following Truth

Follow Truth  When we follow Truth in life,We need not worry to cover up/ follow up"the lies"the biggest tension creater thus the health spoiler. This has been told in sanatan way of life Hinduism as असतो मा सद्गमय। तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय। मृत्योर्मा अमृतंगमय। सत्वग्रहण शरिर करे गंदा देत निकाल। सत्यमार्ग ही हमको ,रखेंगे उर्जावान।।

BE ENERGETIC@ by being Happy

*सिकंदर उस जल की तलाश में था, जिसे पीने से मानव अमर हो जाते हैं.!* *काफी दिनों तक  दुनियाँ में भटकने के पश्चात आखिरकार उस ने वह जगह पा ही ली, जहाँ उसे अमृत की प्राप्ति हो* 👉 *उसके सामने ही अमृत जल बह रहा था, वह अंजलि में अमृत को लेकर पीने के लिए झुका ही था कि तभी एक बुढा व्यक्ती जो उस गुफा के भीतर बैठा था, जोर से बोला,  रुक जा, यह भूल मत करना...!’* *बड़ी दुर्गति की अवस्था में था वह बुढा !* *सिकंदर ने कहा, ‘तू रोकने वाला कौन...?’* *बुढे ने उत्तर दिया, ..मैं अमृत की तलाश में था और यह गुफा मुझे भी मिल गई थी !, मैंने यह अमृत पी लिया !*  *अब मैं मर नहीं सकता, पर मैं अब मरना चाहता हूँ... !* *देख लो मेरी हालत...अंधा हो गया हूँ, पैर गल गए हैं,  *देखो...अब मैं चिल्ला रहा हूँ...चीख रहा हूँ...कि कोई मुझे मार डाले, लेकिन मुझे मारा भी नहीं जा सकता !*  *अब प्रार्थना कर रहा हूँ  परमात्मा से कि प्रभु मुझे मौत दे !*  सिकंदर  चुपचाप गुफा से बाहर वापस लौट आया, *बिना अमृत पिए !*  *सिकंदर समझ चुका था कि जीवन का आनन्द ✨उस समय तक ही रहता है, जब तक हम उस आनन्द को भो...

Remove Toxicity(Detox) Remain Energetic

Having seen in previous blog that unassimilated food and decayed cells if not excreted timely will toxify the body( living cells of body)  If Toxicity sets in the it will be felt through the lethargy of the body .coloured  urine if water is taken in in-sufficient quantity&dryness of stool .The fullness of large intestine & urinary bladder will overload the functioning of kidney,lung ,finally liver the storehouse of blood  & heart which ultimately has  to pump the toxic blood in the body Thus overall all the organs of body will be overloaded thereby causing reduction of interest by mind in a day-work-in-hand. Hence to remain Energetic and to complete the piece of task in a day's work energetically , it is necessary to clear stool timely & drink sufficient quantity of water be continued  see blog" Live Energetic@ Detoxing the body "dt23 Jul 2021

BE ENERGETIC@ Detoxing the body

DETOXIFYING THE BODY  There are two ways to detox the body   1.Invisible Way :- By having positive thoughts thus detoxify the body 2.Visible Way     (A)By food :- the greatest cleanser is                  hot water& freshair .Drink them                    plenty early in the morning        (B)By sweating out:-            (I)By yogasanas or physical work or               exercises             (II) By heattreatment e.g.saunabath              OR living a natural life without AC                  or DesertCooler

BE ENERGETIC @ increasing lung capacity(empty space)

Empty space in our body helps in digestion,assimilation,excreation& increasing body oxyzen intake .Thus it increases body immunity

BE ENERGETIC @ by growing Natural immunity

इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाएं भाइरस हराऐं  T3 cells help in preserving immunity. In fact they can be called immunity cells.Therefore we must strive to increase their numbers thus we can increase our body immunity against viruses 24/7 onslaught.   immunity

BE ENERGETI C@Bully the Bullies


LIVE ENEGETIC : Balance the Body

 Play game for Balancing the Body than entertainment Our body is mirror image from left to right or right to left as appearing externally.But the Organs inside the body are not placed as mirror image.Yet Navel is the centre point of Body.If this centre is displaced then externally it can be measured diagonally & can be visible through the reduction pattern in heels of shoes . Any one whose shoes soles rubbing pattern are disimmilar from right to left or left to right is said to be possessing disbalanced body & organs. Balancing the body can be achieved through food,message,exercise,medicine etc.But those having hobby  playing games of single hand like TT,badminton,Cricketetc will always have disbalanced body . ThoseplayingFootball,Volleyball,Basketball will always have a balanced body . A Balanced body is better energetic than unbalanced one 

BE ENERGETIC know Relation between pH value & Bacterias growth

Once we know the basics of bacterial growth according to pH value ,we may modify intake of type of our food .Read the link... Bacterias&pH Thereby it help us to be energetic

BE ENERGETIC use taste ( tongue) to balance Vatta,Pitta& Kapha

Allopaths manage patient giving suitable  drug after finding out causative bacteria ,virus or fungai. Ayurveda the causative factors are imbalance of Kapha,Pitta & Vatta.To balance the ibid one need not visit a doctor but one may balance them through six tastes realised  by tongue while eating food. Balance KaphaPitta Vatta BalanceThree Humours KaphaPittaVatta  ( open the link in blue) Thus ones body curing capacity is ones hand safe sound& Immunity booster also.

Anti Naturals prohibit to remain energetic

विकृति हमें उर्जावान होने से रोकती है Nature has the provision to balance the living human Body by balancing It's Quality of Satwaguna,Rajoguna,Tamasguna & thus Vatta,Pitta,Kapha acordingly.It has provisioned day & night to do work & rest.But modern scientific human beings takes pride ignoring  nature gifted qualities & misusing them.Resultantly humans get pray to distorted artificial living but natural& gets ill.

BE ENEGETIC by passion to work with detached attachment

Passiontowork with detached attachment After completing a task ,generally ,one gets remunerated either monetorily or through Appreciation or both.But when neither money not appreciation is derived out of a work passonately completed then one starts feeling low..or even dejected .This low feeling or dejection pressures heart to malfunction thus reducing the energetiveness. To overcome this scenario one should not be too attached to fruits of accomplishment for getting Happiness but one  must enjoy every second of his action/ small task at every present  particular moment  sothat he is doing great at ones present seconds/minute( This is also known as live in present happily)Once the task/ work  is completed one starts enjoying the next task or job or work forgetting( detaching) totally about the previous one.Hence no depressive or dejection feeling will arise at all..Detaching thus one will remain throughout Energetic too. Yes one may ask question that if the job /work...

BE ENERGETIC by doing work passionately

 Work with passion  All our actions from morning till we go to sleep are either volunteer or forced one.The forced action has a inherent natural reaction or opposition.This opposition creates pressure on mind & takes away energy .It also distort endocrine juice secretion. But when we undertake a action voluntarily or make it as a passion just like a hobby we try to put in our soul.When we put in our soul in a piece of work our mind is not bothered at all about what is happening in the surroundings.That is the surrounding otherthan passioned work cannot pressurise our soul or mind.Thus we put all our inherent traits & energy in performing the  volunteered or hobby action in hand .Thus we workfor performance quality improvement .The improved performance quality increases happiness triggering endocrines to perform better When endocrine performs better we become more energetic. Thus our work with passion keeps us energetic

BE ENERGETIC by completing task timely & passonately

Completing task timely& passonately  When we start days work it consists of routine & impromptue task.Routine task we all are accustomed to but it may at times gives monotony if we we do not perform with passion & new zeal every day. To ward off monotonicity we might & we are lured into impromptue task .But every impromptue task if not undertaken with an aim to complete in stipulated time or takes more time then,thus,it may start hindering / infringing upon daily routine work,may also lead to carryover of routine work to next day.This phenomenon of carry over of today's task to tommorow burdens our thought & creates(pressure) tension in mind  We have already seen in previous blog that tension affects misbehaving of our endocrine glands secretion thus leading the body organs to make function. Malfunctioning of body organ makes us not only unenergetic but sick also.( Tension is root cause of many diseases) Hence to remain Energetic we must complete the task d...

BE ENERGETIC by "detached attachment"

We know that fear destroys kidney.Anger destroys liver.Worry (tension)destroys digestion.Tension also destroys endocrine juice secretion.Shock destroys heart functioning. Also we  know that all above thoughts are produced due to attachment to something or someone.Also it is true that ibid something or someone is also a free-one (Democratic)for action & thought.But due to attachment I desire that another person or thing to  remain attached to me only ,which is contrary to everyone's freedom.If that attachment I take out & only do all actions towards that person or thing my duty only without consideration of Any profit or reward from my action.This is called a "detached attachment" to my action towards a thing or person. The "detached attachment"निस्वार्थ तत्परता" will not let generate body-ogan-destrucive- thoughts in me .Thus Thus detached attachment to my  work will keep me Energetic.

BE ENERGETIC adhere to sleep time



One can always remain Energetic & recipe energy from nature

BE ENERGETIC by Following/adhering to Body clock

Know your body clock to remain Energetic The Organ Body Clock  helps determine the organ responsible for diseases. For example, if you find yourself waking up between the hours of 3-5am each morning, you may have underlying grief or sadness that is bothering you or you may have a condition in the lung area. If feelings of anger or resentment arise, you may feel them strongest during the time of the Liver which is 1-3am or perhaps if you experience back pain at the end of your working day, you could have pent up emotions of fear, or perhaps even Kidney issues. The Body-Energy Clock is built upon the concept of the  cyclical ebb and flow of energy  throughout the body. During a 24-hour period (see diagram that follows) Qi moves in two-hour intervals through the organ systems. During sleep,  Qi  draws inward to restore the body. This phase is completed between 1 and 3 a.m., when the liver cleanses the blood and performs a myriad of functions that set the stage for...

Food keeps Energetic(3)

After  seeing previously (1)we need food to give us Energy (2)what is the best way to cooked food (3)When ( What time)to go for evacuation 0f stool Now We will see when/where/how to take food In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the stomach is known as the "Sea of Nourishment." It digests bulk foods and fluids, and ferries them into the small intestine for extraction and assimilation of nutrients. The stomach also extracts pure energy from foods and fluids. It coordinates with spleen energy to transport food energy through the meridian system to the lungs, where it combines with air energy from breathing. Also, in terms of element energy, the stomach is governed by the Earth element, which makes it responsible for balancing the energies of all the  5 Elements  in the foods we ingest. Stomach meridian is active at 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.  a perfect time for lunch 5-7pm  is the time of the  Kidneys  when the blood is filtered and the kidneys work to maintain p...

Food keeps Energetic (2)

When we eat the food that is either cooked with oil,steam,roasted,fried ,boiled , homemade,hotelmade fresh or packaged . The best food is boiled or roasted but should be fresh.It must be digestable & not over eaten by stomach. Food after being  properly  digested in digester( stomach) goes to Small intestine for assimilation of required nutrients to be made available to the body cells.once nutrients are absorbed by small intestine the useless remaining in form of  stool goes tothe large intestine gets accumulated there .The large intestine becomes active during 5to7 AM/PM .So we must go for evacuation of stool twice as peribid Bio meridian clock. We also must try to avoid packaged,junk,oily ,spicy food .& Have only one principle while eating & drilling  our food habits i.e. Eat to live Energetic)& not only  live like lethargic eating  junk foods

Food keeps Energetic(1)

Continuing from the previous post . Food gives every living being energy & nutrients for repair & growth of body . Food consists of carbohydrates,proteins,minerals,fats,vitamins & tissue salts .Food composition can be measured in pathological& chemical lab  .That is modern science says.But every food has its particular taste whose intensity may also vary & can be measured by individual's tasting organ i.e. tongue. Every food has in addition to its taste, It's natural effect on body as cold or hot.E.G. water melon has cold effect & ginger had hot effect . Minerals& Vitamins in food work as suppliments to boost immmune system of every healthy cell which fights 24/7 against fungus,Bacterias& viruses the disease causing germs colony in & outside the body.Fat is a stored food generally utilised by body when hungry or under strenuous physical condition.Protien works as building block for generation of new cells growth in the body .The old decayed c...


Having seen in first blog "Health is always being Energetic".Now we will see one by one so many ways ( no way is 100%complete in itself) Today the suggested way is"हंसो,खाओ,दौड़ो इस तरह उर्जावान रहो" "Laugh,eat,run thus remain Energetic" 1.Laughter is best medicine .Everyone knows that.But how to laugh when to laugh& where to laugh is not a science but art.One cannot laugh after knowing some near& dear is either in misery or have met accident.No one can laugh when in the atmosphere where there is poisonous gas or viruses. No one can laugh conciously while asleep Thus even to enjoy a good laughter you need a good company,time,place& atmosphere. Therefore we must strive to make good atmosphere all the time every place & laugh  as energy medicine alone or in a company of friends or familiars 

Healthy Being Energetic

Health of a living being is defined  various ways by dictionary,medical professionals,lab analysis etc.... Everyone desires to be always healthy. In my opinion health is to remain Energetic always even under strenuous prolonged physical,mental or spiritual work with minimal or no rest at all. But the ibid ideal condition of my opined health is basically an Utopia for most of us .Because everyone of us need rest & food along with a secured place for rest & food.In edition noone can constantly keep prolonged working only without a change .Because monotony will set in .This monotony Also spoils health. Also the contaminated_toxic air,water,food or unsecured toxic place of food &shelter will spoil health. Taking all the above into consideration we find that now a days ibid health spoilers are present around us in one form or other. The effect of those health spoilers is that either we donot get proper sleep or food which causes an unhealthy mood( mind) compelling our body t...