BE ENERGETIC@ by disallowing Kapha & Pitta to increase

Kapha is equivalent to cholesterol.There are Good & Bad cholesterol.Its difficult to laboratorili decide the good & bad Kapha.But good Kapha is energy provider& felt by being energetic .That is all good Kapha producing foods donot make one self lethargic.But bad Kapha producing foods after being digested make oneself lethargic,fatty,bloated abdomen& with cough in chest,throat &nostrils
Pitta is equivalent to fire .There is good & bad fire.The good fire is for digestion & the bad fire produces fever,vommiting drying of cells reducing their elasticity& thus produces sclerosis of nurves,calcification (hardening)of tissues& muscles first thereby destruction of body.
Only Principle of Remedy is to reduce bad Pitta by good Kapha.That is by controlling food habbits to generate only good cholesterol .@ Let their be no doubts left
