Food keeps Energetic(1)
Continuing from the previous post .Food gives every living being energy & nutrients for repair & growth of body. Food consists of carbohydrates,proteins,minerals,fats,vitamins & tissue salts .Food composition can be measured in pathological& chemical lab .That is modern science says.But every food has its particular taste whose intensity may also vary & can be measured by individual's tasting organ i.e. tongue.
Every food has in addition to its taste, It's natural effect on body as cold or hot.E.G. water melon has cold effect & ginger had hot effect .
Minerals& Vitamins in food work as suppliments to boost immmune system of every healthy cell which fights 24/7 against fungus,Bacterias& viruses the disease causing germs colony in & outside the body.Fat is a stored food generally utilised by body when hungry or under strenuous physical condition.Protien works as building block for generation of new cells growth in the body .The old decayed cells of the body along with stool,a left over after digestion & proper assimilation of food in the body if not thrown out timely ( Between5 to 7 AM/PM as per Natural body Biological clock of accupressure meridians) then that causes toxicity to increase inside the body thus a lethargy in the body mind first sets in before body becomes acute sick... To be continued
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