Remove Toxicity(Detox) Remain Energetic

Having seen in previous blog that unassimilated food and decayed cells if not excreted timely will toxify the body( living cells of body) 
If Toxicity sets in the it will be felt through the lethargy of the body .coloured  urine if water is taken in in-sufficient quantity&dryness of stool .The fullness of large intestine & urinary bladder will overload the functioning of kidney,lung ,finally liver the storehouse of blood  & heart which ultimately has  to pump the toxic blood in the body
Thus overall all the organs of body will be overloaded thereby causing reduction of interest by mind in a day-work-in-hand.
Hence to remain Energetic and to complete the piece of task in a day's work energetically ,it is necessary to clear stool timely & drink sufficient quantity of water be continued  see blog" Live Energetic@ Detoxing the body "dt23 Jul 2021


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